Transparancy International - Bulgaria

За Нас
Новини и събития
Стажантска програма

Законодателство и корупция

International Instruments against Corruption
Global Forum on Fighting Corruption and Safeguarding Integrity

hardcopy:  заяви

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Chapter 16
Otto Obermaier, Timothy Hoeffner, Kenneth Ashman

hardcopy:  заяви

Revised Draft United Nations convention Against Corruption
United Nations General Assembly
United Nations General Assembly,

hardcopy:  заяви

Основи на данъчното законодателство на ЕС: Второ допълнително издание
Любка Ценова

hardcopy:  заяви

Federal Transparency and Access to Public Government Information Law

hardcopy:  заяви

United Nations Convention against Corruption
United Nations
United Nations,

hardcopy:  заяви

EC Regulation No. 2003/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council
European Union
European Union,

hardcopy:  заяви

Some Notes on Anticorruption Law
B.E.D. de Speville
de Speville & Associates,

hardcopy:  заяви

Promoting the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption in a Globalized Economy

hardcopy:  заяви

 Transparency International
 Комисия за борба с корупцията към 40-то Народно Събрание
 Комисия за координация на работата по борбата с корупцията

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