Transparancy International - Bulgaria

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Judicial Reform

Judicial Reform Index for Bulgaria
Central and East European Law Institute Law Initiative

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Focus on Legal Cooperation - #12
Dutch Center for International Legal Cooperation

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Focus on Legal Cooperation - #11
Dutch Center for International Legal Cooperation

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Judicial Development Project for Bulgaria
East-West Management Institute

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Corruption and Access to Justice
TI- Moldova and UNDP

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Independence of the Judicial System
Open Society - BG, Colpi Program

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An Analysis of the Causes of Corruption in the Judiciary
Edgardo Buscaglia, Maria Dakolias

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Judicial Corruption in Developing Countries: Its Causes and Economic Consequences
United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention

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Judicial Anti-Corruption Program
Center for the Study of Democracy

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Regional Seminar "Judicial Cooperation,Trafficking in Human Beings and Corruption"

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Public Administration and Legal and Judicial Reform Program:Identification Mission Aide Memoire

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Independence of the Judicial System
Open Society Club Burgas and Black Sea Law Community Burgas
Open Society Foundation and COLPI Program - Bulgaria,2001,

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International Conference - Current Situation and Problems of The Jourists In Bulgaria(only in Bulgarian)
Ministry of Justice
in Bulgarian

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A Programme for Reforms in Public Administration and Judiciary(only in Bulgarian)

2000,in Bulgarian

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The Court, Prossecution and Investigation in the EU Member States and Accession Countries(in Bulgarian only )
Maria Yordanova, Dimitar Markov

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 Transparency International
 Commision for coordinating of the activity for combaiting corruption
 Combating Corruption Committee

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